Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Ruto ordered to attend trial hearings pending determination of prosecutor’s appeal

Kenya: The International Criminal Court ( ICC) Appeal Chamber has ordered Deputy President William Ruto to attend all trial hearing pending until an appeal filed by the prosecutor is determined.

ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda had appealed a decision by the court to ‘excuse Ruto from continued presence during the trial, with the exception of specified hearings at which his attendance is required.
“The Appeals Chamber recalls that, as far as article 82 (3) of the Statute is concerned, "[suspension involves the non-enforcement of a decision, the subject of 1 s an appeal". Therefore, without prejudice to the Appeals Chamber's ultimate decision on the merits of the Prosecutor's appeal, the grant of suspensive effect of the Impugned Decision would result in Mr Ruto being required to be present during the trial, pending the final determination of the Prosecutor's appeal”, read part of the ICC statement signed by Judge Akua Kuenyehia on behalf of the Presiding Judge.

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